Want to help your son grow-up to be a well-adjusted, successful husband and father? This book is a good source for parents in balancing the typical emphasis with boys on achievement, assertiveness, and competition.
The Heart Of A Father
Without fail, every father who reads this book learns something about his own childhood, and ultimately how he can become a better father to his children.
Little People
Dr. Christophersen has a solution for just about every problem behavior starting with toddlers through school-aged children. His recommendations are concise and are presented step-by-step instructions.
Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child
Current research suggest that a person’s emotional intelligence is more important than their academic intelligence in predicting success in life. Too often parents focus on their children’s academic skill set with very little attention given to help them understand and manage their emotions. This is one of the best books I have found that addresses the importance of coaching children to develop healthy ways to manage emotions.
Raising Self-Reliant Children
Many times parents make the mistake of doing too much for their children. This book helps parents understand the importance of allowing children to become competent, and give instructions on how to do it!