Dr. Hendrix explains how our childhood (whether typical or tragic) forms unconscious strengths and weaknesses within us that drive how we respond to the opposite sex and ultimately “partner” with someone. The book provides a brief but powerful overview of developmental tasks through childhood and adolescence, launching the reader on a path of self-discovery. I can confidently state that every client who has undertaken this “assignment” has benefited by learning more about the unconscious patterns that have influenced their lives.
Love Busters
Some times counselors do a postmortem of a marriage with a newly divorced client, trying to discover where the trouble began. It is uncanny how many of the fault lines (pun intended) were drawn early in the relationship, and many of these interaction patterns are identified in Harley’s book. This book is aptly titled! It is on my recommended reading list for couples; married or contemplating marriage.
Sacred Marriage
Many times when couples come for counseling, they have secretly or openly identified their spouse as the problem, and they are almost “out the door,” to get a divorce. If either or both partners have taken their marriage vows as a sacramental covenant with God, I recommend this book. Chapter by chapter, Thomas builds a strong case for building Godly character as one looks for meaning in hardships within marriage. With a new perspective many couples have a helpful attitude and earnest desire to try again.
Discovering The Mind Of A Woman
This book was recommended to me by a man who said it helped him save his marriage. I hope that after you read it, you will join me in thanking him. Mr. Nair uses a Christian perspective to help men understand the gift of a “help mate.”
How Can I Forgive You?
This is another good book by Dr. Spring; with a broader application of the steps to forgiving someone and to being forgiven.
After the Affair
Dr. Spring has one of the best books I’ve read on beginning to rebuild trust in a relationship broken by infidelity. She includes a thoughtful rationale for each step in the sequence of rebuilding trust.
The ABCs Of Marriage
Tim Gustafson’s book is a great resource! He offers pearls of wisdom in a topical format, allowing the reader to pick and choose what is personally relevant. Each topic is only a few pages of reading, but filled with “sound advice.” I particularly like this book for newly married couples, because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
Getting The Love You Want – Workbook
This Workbook and the companion book by the same name are my “top shelf” recommendations for couples in tough times. Drs. Hendrix and Hunt reveal the underlying issues that fuel most difficulties for couples. This book and workbook help an individual discover how their upbringing may influence their interpretations about conflict, intimacy and expectations. Most who read these books describe a highly beneficial endeavor, transformative….changing how they respond to their partner, their children and their extended family.